
Delete all mapped drives without prompt to confirm

Use the following command to delete all mapped drives and suppress the prompt message

net use * /delete /y

FIX Adobe Reader: A 3D data parsing error has occurred

  • Go to C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Adobe\Acrobat\
  • Here you will find a folder named 2015 or DC which you can rename or delete
    • (eg: 2014.bak or DC.bak)
  • re-open the document

FIX Adobe Reader 3D content has been disabled

  • Go to Edit -> Preferences -> 3D & Multimedia
    • Check Enable playing 3D content


FIX Screen sharing and file transfer not working in Skype [Windows]

Open a command prompt and run the commands:

net stop winnat
netsh int ipv4 add excludedportrange tcp 50000 60
netsh int ipv6 add excludedportrange tcp 50000 60
netsh int ipv4 add excludedportrange udp 50000 60
netsh int ipv6 add excludedportrange udp 50000 60