Fix blank screen for users on Windows 10
Color line if condition meet in Excel
To color a line if a cell has a specified value go to:
- Conditional Formatting
- New Rule
- Use a formula to determinate witch cells to format
- Format values where this formula is true
- select the cell with the desired value and enter the condition
- select the formatting you want (background color)
- select the whole table
Fix Sentinel HASP error "hardlock.sys" file (null) processing error ... Status Code 12 4 2217 31
Fix Sentinel HASP error:
"hardlock.sys" file (null) processing error. this is an internal error. For assistance contact your administrator or the software manufacturer.
Status Code 12 4 2217 31Open registry editor
go to HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Hardlock
set Start=4
How to search for special characters in files or folders from Windows Explorer
This will find any file or folder containing the @ character2021-04-12
Change wireless network priority from command line
netsh wlan set profileorder name="NetworkName" interface="Wi-Fi" priority=1
Delete network profile / wifi connection from command prompt
If you get the following error:
You do not have sufficient privileges or the profile "YourProfile" on interface "wifi" is a group policy profile.then try this:
- stop the WlanSvc service (WLAN AutoConfig)
- delete all files in the \Windows\wlansvc\Policies folder
- try again to delete the profile
- netsh wlan delete profile name=SSID
- restart the WlanSvc service
Inkscape save default document properties
- create a new document
- go to Document Properties and adjust your settings
- save as default.svg in %userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\inkscape\templates
Add a network printer & Set a default printer in VBScript
Set WshNetwork = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Network") WSHNetwork.AddWindowsPrinterConnection "\\ServerName\PrinterName" WSHNetwork.SetDefaultPrinter "\\ServerName\PrinterName"
Open Devices & Printers in VBScript
CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Run "control.exe /name Microsoft.DevicesAndPrinters"
Disable ask for password after sleep
Windows 10:
Go to Settings > Accounts > Sign-in Options > Require sign-in and select Never
Fix Windows time synchronization
w32tm /debug /disable w32tm /unregister w32tm /register net start w32time
Windows Error Reporting folder location
All files inside this folder can be deleted
fix GRUB missing in Windows/Linux dual-boot
bcdedit /set {bootmgr} path \EFI\ubuntu\grubx64.efi
To restore to previous settings run:bcdedit /deletevalue {bootmgr} path \EFI\ubuntu\grubx64.efi delete grub boot
bcdedit /set {bootmgr} path \EFI\Microsoft\Boot\bootmgfw.efi set windows boot
List installed printers from command line / PowerShell
wmic printer list brief
Open PowerShell and run:
Get-Printer | Format-List list printers with details
Get-Printer | Format-List Name list printers names
Change IP / DNS / Gateway from command prompt
netsh int ip set address "local area connection" static
To change the DNS:netsh int ip set dns "local area connection" static primary