
View / Change MAC Address (Physical Address)

To view your MAC Address:

Method 1:
  • open cmd and type ipconfig /all
  • look under your LAN card for the Physical Address 
Method 2.

  1. open cmd and type getmac /fo list /v
  2. look for Physical Address 

To set the MAC Address:

Method 1:

  1. open Device Manager
  2. go to Network Adapters
  3. open your adapter
  4. go to Advanced -> Network Address
  5. set the value to your old MAC address (12 digit, just remove the dashes if you have this format xx-xx-xx...)
Method 2:
  1. open cmd and type net config workstation
  2. copy the number between the curly brackets (NetBT_Tcpip_{xxxxx-xxx..} )
  3. open Registry Editor (type regedit)
  4. go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}
  5. search in the next folders (0000, 0001...) for the NetCfgInstanceId key, it should have a value that you found at step 2
  6. Change the NetworkAddress key to your desired/old MAC Address (If the key is missing, create a new string key)